For the past year we have been transitioning into the hard market for aviation insurance. The transition has been very tough both on aircraft operators (rate increases, less coverage options) and aviation insurance underwriters (several company closures with layoffs). Purely based on experience during the last hard market in 2002, […]
helicopter insurance

It has now been more than 3 months since the 737 Max grounding by aeronautical authorities around the world. Here is a breakdown of our estimated insurance claim on Boeing’s Products Liability policy and its Grounding Liability Coverage: Average flights per aircraft per day: 5 Average passenger seating: 150 Average […]

Generally 70 is the age at which it becomes problematic for insurers to approve new pilots. The industry understanding is that pilots who were covered before they turned 70 will continue to be covered after they turn 70. Non-disclosure of age risks non-coverage! Of course there are always exceptions to […]