At the recent NBAA convention we had the great pleasure of meeting with most of our underwriters, there is no doubt the industry is witnessing the beginning of a soft market cycle and the shift has energized the industry. For our clients and the aviation industry as a whole this […]

Insurance has always been cyclical. Disasters and long periods of losses lead soft markets into hard markets. Once the hard markets are established and profitable, new insurance company entrants join the market, and companies start lowering premiums to counter stagnating growth. At this moment we find ourselves in a market that is […]

The Aviation Insurance Hard Market factors continue to pile up: 1. 2018-Present Loss Ratios have cut deeply into reinsurance revenue from several disasters and tragedies worldwide. 2. Aviation claims, lead by the Boeing losses, are now well over $2B for the same period. 3. Aviation insurance rates were very low […]

The pandemic has been cruel to weak businesses and weak immune systems. Businesses that were struggling and people who were struggling with underlying conditions have been the highest number of victims. It has also been a catalyst for businesses and industries. In my involvement with many entrepreneurs throughout the crisis […]

There has been a lot of insinuations that the pandemic is changing the aviation insurance marketplace significantly. Our experience suggests this is not yet the case as respects General Aviation (GA) because the aviation insurance market was already in a critical moment. Another reason is that GA demand has not […]

For the past year we have been transitioning into the hard market for aviation insurance. The transition has been very tough both on aircraft operators (rate increases, less coverage options) and aviation insurance underwriters (several company closures with layoffs). Purely based on experience during the last hard market in 2002, […]

Insurance rates for aircraft maintenance companies are based on 4 main factors: What type of maintenance is done: If the company is overhauling engines, then the insurance is much higher than if they are performing routine maintenance and sending specialty overhauls to specialty shops. How much revenue. The revenue is […]

As we discuss the aviation insurance marketplace with our clients we focus on the consequences for them: higher rates, reduced coverages, fewer options, and stricter training requirements. But the big picture and understanding what is happening on the underwriting side is important for all stakeholders to work together. Reinsurers endured […]